Search Help
apple juice
Find rows that contain both words (operator AND).
apple | banana
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words (operator OR).
apple MAYBE banana
Find rows that contain the word 'apple' and might contain the word 'banana'.
apple -macintosh
apple !macintosh
Find rows that contain the word 'apple' but not 'macintosh' (operator NOT).
The * wildcard is used to specify a pattern of 0 or more characters.
The ? wildcard is used to match exactly one character.
aaa << bbb << ccc
Will match the document only if its argument keywords occur in the document exactly in the query order (strict order operator).
"some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase 'some words' (for example, rows that contain 'some words of wisdom' but not "some noise words").
@title apple @body banana
Search only within a specified field. Available field names: title, body, meta_keywords, meta_description